Samsung’s Galaxy Z Fold 5 Still Doesn’t Have S Pen Storage: Here’s Why

Samsung’s latest book-style foldable phone, the Galaxy Z Fold 5, has made headlines for its thinner design, which includes a hinge that lets the phone fold completely flat. But its key accessory, the Galaxy Z Fold 5 S Pen Fold Edition, has shed some weight, too. This story is part of Samsung Event, CNET’s collection… Continue reading Samsung’s Galaxy Z Fold 5 Still Doesn’t Have S Pen Storage: Here’s Why

Samsung’s Stylus Upgrade Doesn’t Include S Pen Storage: Here’s Why

Samsung’s latest book-style foldable phone, the Galaxy Z Fold 5, has made headlines for its thinner design, which includes a hinge that lets the phone fold completely flat. But its key accessory, the Galaxy Z Fold 5 S Pen Fold Edition, has shed some weight, too. This story is part of Samsung Event, CNET’s collection… Continue reading Samsung’s Stylus Upgrade Doesn’t Include S Pen Storage: Here’s Why

Stay Cool This Summer With the Right Clothes. Here’s What to Know

Extreme heat waves are expected to affect an estimated 80 million people across the US this week as temperatures surge to record-breaking temperatures, and we aren’t even halfway through summer yet.  One way to find some relief from the heat, especially if you’re outdoors or living without air conditioning, is by wearing cooling clothing. By… Continue reading Stay Cool This Summer With the Right Clothes. Here’s What to Know